Wilhelm Hast

CEO and founder of HAST companies. He has trained more than 20,000 leaders from over 40 countries. Today, Wilhelm helps managers and leaders make an impact through their leadership, while also finding clarity, freedom, and strength, and living with well-being in a demanding day-to-day life.

Resources for managers and ledaers

If you are looking for new levels of capacity, results, and well-being, there is a next step. Take a look below and see what appeals to you!

Winning the Game

Welcome to my podcast, where I share principles, lessons, and perspectives from my decades of training and educating managers and leaders. Each episode is short and provides keys to new levels of clarity, freedom, and power.

Click here to listen now

Video: Overworked To Stress-Free

Watch my training video where I explain the keys that I have reliably seen shift the life experience for managers and leaders. Many leaders and managers are productive, but at the expense of their well-being. There is a better way, and I explain it in this video.

Click here to watch the video

Development for your organization

Since 2001, my team and I have worked in various organizations in Sweden and many other countries – doing everything from group development to conflict management, from inspirational seminars to trainings in effective meetings, leadership development, and more. Click the button below to visit our website where we explain more about what we do for people who want to develop their organizations.

Click here to read more

Want to get in touch with me or my team?

Book a 1-on-1 zoom meeting with me by clicking HERE. You can also fill out the contact form below and either I or a colleague will get back to you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you!