Our clients

We are proud to say that for over the last 25 years, we have developed managers, leaders and teams in over 50% of Sweden’s 100 largest companies.

We partner with our clients to create the most holistic and effective training specifically designed for the needs of the leader or group. 

We have carried out leadership workshops, training and assignments in the Nordics, as well as in other parts of the world; France, Japan, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Germany, and USA. 

We also have a long standing collaboration with the West Sweden Chamber of Commerce to lead key groups which include the CEO groups, tactical and strategy group in finance and operations management networks. We are very proud of the difference we make for leaders here, as well as the level of trust, and leadership expansion created by our experienced facilitators.

In addition, we are honoured to develop future leaders and managers and at the Stockholm School of Economics, Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg, and Luleå University of Technology. One of our team members has also worked with Henley Business School in the UK, which is one of the top 20 MBA programmes in the world. 

Please use the contact form below if you want to speak with a reference client who fits the type of organisation or work you require for your team and we would be happy to introduce you. 


A selection of our happy clients: